Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have had the benefit of working in a few different areas of our healthcare system and am aware of many of the pros and cons that we have to offer.  There is a definite negativity regarding expenses and access to care in our country, however, we do have some of the best technology and treatments available for some of the most intense and debilitating diseases.  In comparison to foreign systems, there is much of the same talk among its own citizens.  

What I have heard and experienced is interesting.  During my 7 months spent living in Australia, I learned that the Aussies HATE their medical system and it is quite difficult to receive the best care.  It appears as though the quality of the clinicians is inferior to the US, England or France.  Many of the Aussies feel slighted by the healthcare system and most of my friends I met there hadn't been to a doctor in years.  They told me that most people, unless something is clearly serious, they just ignore it and hope it goes away.

As for the UK, I have encountered many in my travels that love the system they have.  It is easy to find a doctor and they don't have to pay-so citizens often wonder why they would want anything else.  Interestingly enough, many of the English say that they view their healthcare system so positively because many have not experienced anything other than their own.

On a personal level, it is hard to say which system one would prefer if they have never had the benefit of experiencing both sides.  The problem with our system is that the US does have such an advantage with the medical technology and advances that we have available to our patients-but have we almost given too much and now we cant support it?  It will be interesting to see if these other countries reach this point as well.

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