Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So, who really IS the best?

To be quite honest, this class has been my first major introduction to the US and other health care systems around the world. Considering what little background in this topic that I have, there hasn't been much that I've learned about other health care systems. The extent of my knowledge of other health care systems spans only as far as Canada. I've heard that since they do function as a Universal Health Care system, it has its pros and cons in comparison to our system. On the upside, they are able to provide coverage to everyone, regardless of employment status, which is becoming a bigger and bigger issue here now that thousands of people are being laid off of their jobs. But, on the flip side of that, I've heard that access-wise it is just as difficult to schedule appointments for people without private insurance in Canada as it is for people here as well. So in trying to reform our current health care system, it will be interesting to see how Obama and Co. will weigh all of these pros and cons versus each other to come up with the best solution possible. As far as our health care system goes, growing up I always heard and read that our health care system was the place to be if you became ill. If you had the proper means to, you would be able to access the best services and quality of care for your money. Sure, we still pay through the roof for most of these services, but the fact is that quality-wise I feel that we do rank amongst the best. I had never heard of the movie Sicko until I read in the syllabus that we were going to be watching it this week so I think it will be really interesting to learn more about these other systems to see if anyone really comes off as having the BEST system.

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